Various Types of Home Care Services We Can Avail Of


It will be great when we reach senior years. With the help of new advancements in technology, especially in medicine, more and more people achieve this age group. Reaching this point in our lives enables us to continue doing the things we love and interest us. Also, most of us prefer to spend our senior years in the comfort of our homes and age in place, in the place most special to us. But we cannot deny that some of us may experience some challenges, especially when we get ill, undergo surgeries, have disabilities, etc.

In these situations, we need some form of assistance from healthcare professionals like those providing health care services in New Jersey who help us seniors live as comfortably and fulfilling as possible.

  • Household maintenance
    It takes much work to keep our household running smoothly. If ever we find it difficult to keep up, we can opt to avail of housekeeping, laundry, handyman, shopping, meal preparation, and gardening services. Also, if we find it challenging to pay our bills on time, as well as keep to our appointments, we may find financial and healthcare management helpful.
  • Personal care
    Personal care services help us seniors do our activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, toileting, and meal preparation. These services can be provided by home health aides, which can last from a few hours to 24- hour live-in care. They may also offer limited aid with things like checking our blood pressure or providing medicine reminders.
  • Healthcare
    There are healthcare services that can be offered by trained professionals like physical therapists, occupational therapists, home health nurses, or social workers in our respective homes. These services are offered in skilled nursing as well. We can check with our insurance or health service to know what type of coverage is possible for us to avail of, even though some of us may have to shoulder the cost using our own money. Hospice care can be provided at home as well.
  • Day programs
    Day programs or adult daycare can aid us in keeping busy with various activities and socialization during the daytime while giving our caregivers a break. Daycare programs vary. Some are mainly social. Others may offer limited health services or specialize in some disorders like the early stage Alzheimer’s.

At CT Health Care Services, we provide top-quality healthcare services delivered by our highly qualified healthcare professionals to suit your healthcare requirements. Feel free to contact us and learn more about our home health care in Bloomfield, New Jersey.

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