Ensure Comfort Through Catheter Care


Growing older, we can lose control of our bodies. For many seniors, they can need assistance in managing urinary or bowel incontinence. Without proper professional help, this can be hard to adapt and overcome. Fortunately, there are readily available catheter care services to make clients and their families go through a comfortable experience.

Catheter care involves proper insertion, maintenance, and removal of bowel or urinary catheters. Availing of this skilled nursing service from a trusted home healthcare provider is important. It improves the client’s comfort and peace of mind. Having an experienced professional alleviates the burden of managing this important aspect of a person’s everyday life.

With all of the responsibilities to carry, it is important to find a home health care in Bloomfield, New Jersey that meets the standards and has the experience to back their claims up. Compatibility is also a big factor when selecting a provider. But one of the biggest factors to consider is a professional’s compassion in delivering quality service.

At CT Health Care Services, catheter care is only one of the many expertise in our skilled nursing services. We believe that having a skilled nurse by our client’s side can make a great difference in their quality of life, even within the comforts of their own homes.

There might be many options for health care services in New Jersey but what sets us apart is our dedication to bringing our expertise and compassion to going above and beyond to provide for our clients. Contact us today.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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